16 Jun 2013

The night of the Luminara, on June 16, is a must-see.

Tuscany through my eyes: Week 28

Now that my project about Tuscany over the seasons is over, I have decided to start a new project: Tuscany through my eyes. Well, more or less… I am planning on publishing one or more photos of Tuscany every week, and not just some beautiful photos, but images that “match” the way I see my beautiful region at that time of the year. I will publish photos that I have taken and photos that I have not taken but I wish I had! 52 posts to show you Tuscany the way I see it and feel it. Here are the other posts in the series.

Week 28 – The most magic night in Pisa

I have already written about La Luminara di Pisa, but it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the city is on June 16!

If you are planning on visiting Pisa, June is the best month, and the Luminara festival (June 16) and Palio di San Ranieri (June 17) are a must-see.



(Photos by Francesco Collina)


(Photo by Gabriele Mazzanti)


(Photo by Ludovica Cacopardo)


(Photo buy #fuf#bea#)

If you need accommodation, please check our vacation rental apartment near the Leaning Tower, Behind the Tower.

(Featured image by Stefano Monti)

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